Aug 16, 2015 | ad&f Choir
Source: Tools ‹ art of dance & fitness — WordPress “Another Op’nin’, Another Show”(blue soprano, red alto, green men, black all) Another op’nin’, another show In Philly, Boston or Baltimo’, A chance for stage folks to say...
Jul 27, 2015 | ad&f Choir
The A D F Adult Choir started from humble beginnings in September 2005 with about 20-30 members. As news spread that the choir was a brilliant way to spend an hour or so on Wednesday evenings, the numbers grew steadily and now we have over a hundred members on our...
Jul 27, 2015 | ad&f Choir
Naomi is a hugely talented musician in her own right. She plays several instruments and attained a high level of singing in solo and choral performance. As Musical Director, Naomi formed the ADF Adult Choir and she has been inspirational in coaxing out quality choral...